Space for enjoinment and Henna.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pensamiento Citadino

Why people is so self destroy habits addict? Why they so attached to there body-s and why I have so attached and at the same time I was blessed with a beautiful body and excellent health? I do not have complains, and before I was in total denial and abuse of substance that literally brake down in total resentment, when I try to go back to the habit that make me sick and unhappy. Now only that I feel that I can have some of the stuff I used to like, Now, And because of a promise my body reacts to everything that is not good for him.
Traduccion, Por que la gente es adicta a autodestruirse con habitos? Por que son tan apegados a sus cuerpos, Y por que Yo, y al mismo tiempo he sido bendecida con un cuerpo marabilloso y excelente salud? No tengo quejas, a pesar que antes vivia en total negacion y abuso de sustancias que literalmente terminaron resintiendo el cuerpo, cuando trato de volver al habito que me hace enferma e infeliz. Ahora solo al sentir que puedo tener algo de lo que usaba gustar, Ahora, y por una promesa mi cuerpo reacciona a todo lo que no es bueno para el.
